Knowing I was going to be at this year's
Research in Engineering Education Symposium which happened to be near Cairns, Australia got me thinking about finally seing a real coral reef - a boyhood fantasy of mine dating back to reading the classic Coral Island by RM Ballantyne in my pre-teen days (and one which I seemed rather unlikely to fulfill growing up in Cork, Ireland in the 50s).

After the symposium finished I had a free day and managed to book a boat-trip out to a platform floating over the Great Barrier Reef.

I was concerned that I would have to remain onboard as I have a health problem which means I have to avoid exposure to strong sunlight but to my delight they supplied lycra suits and all we needed to go snorkelling over the reef ... so off I went exploring what I am told is the only living organism large enough to be seen from space.
So, dream fulfilled 50 years down the line!